PNG Ports is the successor company to PNG Harbours Board. The Company was incorporated under the Companies Act 1997 on the 19 of June 2002 as PNG Harbours Ltd and later changed its name to PNG Ports Corporation Ltd on the 7 of March 2006. 

PNGPCL's transition from PNG Harbours Board, a statutory corporation to a private company under the Company's Act 1997 was made possible by the amendment to the Harbours Board Act Chapter 240. The amended Act known as the Harbours (Amendment) Act Chapter 240 substantially changed the Harbours Board Act Chapter 240 to facilitate the transition of the new entity and the Act is now known as the Harbours Act Chapter 240 (Consolidated to No 15 of 2002). 

The transition: 

  • 1963-1969: Papua and New Guinea Harbours Board (HB Act. 1963)

  • 1970-2002: Papua New Guinea Harbours Board (PNGHB Act Chp.240)

  • 2002-2006: PNG Harbours Limited (Harbours Amendment Act)

  • 2006-Future: PNG Ports Corporation Limited (Harbours Amendment Act)


"To be Papua New Guinea's premier gateway for maritime trade."


PNG Ports will be the leading:

  • Trade facilitator,

  • Terminal operator,

  • Seaport developer,

  • Seaport administrator

By providing internationally competitive gate facilities and services through superior customer focus.