PNG Ports Pilotage Services Department.

PNG Ports Pilotage Services Department is delegated with the responsibility of providing Marine Piloting services for the declared pilotage areas in Papua New Guinea. Our services are spread across the six compulsory pilotage ports, which are Port Moresby, Lae, Madang, Kieta, Rabaul and Kimbe. The ten non - compulsory ports in which pilot services are delivered upon request are Oro Bay, Kavieng, Wewak, Lorengau, Buka, Simberi, Bialla, Basamuk and Alotau.

Port Moresby, Madang, Kimbe, Rabaul and Lae have 24/7 Pilotage operations.

Pilotage is an essential service provided to ships manoeuvring within port limits and coastal waters declared as Pilotage areas. PNGPCL, and its predecessor(s) have been involved in providing this service safely and efficiently for over 50-years as part of the overall services it provides at seaports and declared Pilotage areas.

Marine piloting is defined as competently and safely piloting vessels within the limits of Seaports, Declared Pilotage Areas (coastal), and any pilotage request situations in accordance with the best practice of seamanship, ship handling, safety standards, and legislative requirements and established operating procedures. Marine Piloting promotes maritime safety and avoidance of damage to ships, port infrastructure, the marine environment and local community property.

Pilotage Regulation

Marine Piloting Service is a mandatory function delegated to maritime authorities by an Act of parliament. This function is regulated by The Merchant Shipping (Pilotage) Regulation 2006 (No 12 of 2006), which is currently in force.

PNG Ports Maritime Compliance assists with enforcing the Pilotage Rules and Regulations at the waterfront where appropriate.

Pilotage Authority

The National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA) is the mandated Pilotage authority under the Merchant Shipping Act (MS Act). In accordance with Section 196 of the MS Act, NMSA is empowered to declare a port or sea passage to be subject to Pilotage and such takes effect from the date a Gazettal Notice is published in relation thereto. Furthermore, pursuant to Section 197 of the said Act, NMSA has mandated authority to appoint a person or entity to be a Pilotage authority in respect of a declared Pilotage area.

Until the new standards developed by NMSA are promulgated, NMSA has requested for, and presently allowed, PNG Ports, Pilots to conduct the piloting operations in Papua New Guinea at the following ports.

Compulsory Pilotage Ports:

Port Moresby

non- compulsory pilotage ports.


Routine Pilotage Operation

The master or an agent of a vessel requiring a pilot must give notice to port control the vessel's Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) at the Pilot Boarding Ground (PBG) not less than 72 hours in advance of that time; re-confirm the vessel's ETA not less than 24 hours (or immediately upon departing the last port if voyage is less than 24 hours) prior to arrival; and confirm ETA 4 hours prior to arrival at the PBG.

Vessels requiring a pilot to shift within port limits or depart from a port are required to submit a pilot request 4 hours prior to the pilot boarding time.

Upon boarding, the master and pilot exchange information regarding navigational procedures, local conditions and the ship's characteristics including the pilot's proposed passage plan.

The pilot conducts the vessel in an advisory capacity to safely pilot the ship.

The master of the ship remains always in command of his ship, with the responsibility for her ultimate safety. He is expected to cooperate with and support the pilot but has authority to overrule the pilot’s decision for a genuine valid reason.

Pilot boats are used exclusively for transferring a pilot onto a vessel requiring pilot or disembarking from a vessel after rendering piloting service.

Pilot Boats

PNG Ports currently operates a fleet of 11 pilot boats. We are expecting 3 new pilot boats to add to our current fleet.

Pilot Boat Name Current Location

1. Huon Port Moresby
2. Davage Port Moresby
3. Paga Port Moresby
4. Siabo Port Moresby
5. Mahana Alotau
6. Jomard Rabaul
7. Coral Kimbe
8. Manu Lae
9. Morobe Lae
10. Dovin Madang
11. Magani Madang


PNG Ports Pilotage Services Department trains pilots as per the Training Programme developed by the Chief Pilot based on NMSA Training Guidelines and in alignment with Australian Pilots Standard and International Best Practice. This training program is normally reviewed and modified to suit NMSA and new international standards requirement.

Future Trends

The future of Marine Pilotage in Papua New Guinea is likely to be influenced by;

1. Increased Shipping Traffic
2. Environmental Regulations
3. Technological Advancements
4. Infrastructure Developments and
5. Climate Changes

Overall Marine Pilots will need to stay updated with the above factors to effectively manage the increasing demands of their role.

Furthermore coastal Piloting will open doors to huge potential for the PNG government to generate revenue by regulating vessel traffic movement in its archipelagic waters, through recommended or compulsory pilotage.

PNG Ports Long-term Resource Development Commitment

As part of PNG Ports sustainable development objectives and the wider community service obligations, we have made a commitment to sponsor school leavers originating from various Maritime Provinces to undergo training at the PNG Maritime College in Madang through the cadetship program for seafaring careers and potentially the supply of new pilots in the longer term. This program began in 2010 and there are currently eight students studying at PNGMC. Four have completed their 1st year and have now embarked on their practical sea time learning experience while the rest have started this year.

For general enquiries e-mail: enquiries@pngports.com.pg or refer to contact list below:






Capt. Joji Takape

Pilotage Services Manager




Capt. George Manary

Deputy Chief Pilot




Capt. Francis Pokary

Pilot Incharge




Capt. William Sione

Senior Marine Pilot




Merry Christmas
and Prosperous 2025

Our Head Office
will be closed for business on the following
public holidays:

Wednesday 25th,
Thursday 26th December 2024
& Wednesday 01st of January 2025.