Port stakeholders are advised to utilize the services of services providers that are licensed by the Port Manager for all regulated activities within the declared ports. Refer below is a list of licensed and approved service providers:

Port Facility Operators

Vessel master’s owners and agents are encouraged to berth and ue facilities that are licensed by the Port Manager consistent with Section 12 of the Regulations (provide link). Refer below is a list of all licensed service providers.

(Upload PDF list of all Licensed PFO)

Stevedoring Operators

For any activity involving the loading and unloading of cargoes on board a vessel, a stevedore licensed by the Port Manager consistent with Section 50 of the Regulations (provide link) must be used. Provided below is a list of all licensed stevedores operating within the declared ports in Papua New Guinea.

(Upload PDF of all Licensed Stevedoring Service providers)

Shipping Agent Services

Vessel masters and or owners are advised to engage the services of an agent to act on behalf of them in matters arising out of the administration of the Port (Management & Safety) Regulations. The Port Manager license and approve shipping agents to operate in all declared ports and below is a list of them;

(Upload PDF List)

Mooring Buoy Operators

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Tug and Towage services

For tug and towage services, port stakeholders are advised to engage the services of a licensed tug service provider as per below;

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Ferry Services

All person(s) are to utilize the services of a licensed Ferry Service provider when intending the services of one within the declared port.

A list of licensed service providers is provided below with respect to each ports.

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Mooring and Line boat Services

For mooring services, all port stakeholders must engage the services of licensed Mooring and Line boat service providers. Refer below are all Mooring and Line boat service providers licensed by the Port Manager.

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