PNG Ports signs mangrove conservation and rehabilitation MoU

A tri - party Memorandum of Understanding on Mangrove Conservation and Rehabilitation was signed by Total Energies, Motukea International Terminal

and PNG Ports Corporation at the Motukea International Port on the 21st May 2024. 

The MoU signing was witnessed by NCD Governor, Hon. Powes Parkop and Motu Koita Assembly Manager, Mr. Mari Kila. The signing was followed by the planting of over 500 mangroves on site. 

During the signing PNG Ports CEO, Mr. Neil Papenfus stated that there is still a lack of awareness of mangroves and ecosystems which they help sustain and that there is an urgent need to conserve and protect mangroves, especially with the rising tides and erosion becoming common along PNG’s coastlines.

For PNG Ports, our core functions to provide Port Infrastructure, and safe and secure facilities for the movement of cargo in and out of the country, directly exposes us to the risks which stem from rising sea levels and tides associated with climate change. 

"Through our PNG Harbour Management Services, we regulate activities and developments that take place throughout all harbours and ports in the country. We are ready to work with all stakeholders, impact communities within declared port limits, government agencies such as CEPA and all development partners in ensuring compliance within the harbour and port limits." said Mr. Papenfus

We look forward to more collaboration as we work towards rolling out this program across our network, which is in line with the company’s focus on capturing climate change and seismic resilience in all redevelopment projects.

This will also complement our Port Foreshore Protection project, following the recent successful completion in Alotau Port, with several other ports to follow soon.

PNG Ports is committed to the mangrove planting program and we are thankful to Total and ICTSI for partnering with us in this space.