PNG Ports graduates present case studies to management

The young pool of talent have taken the management of PNG Ports Corporation Limited (PNG Ports) to task, challenging them to uphold operational business excellence.
Last year, 11 students were recruited by PNG Ports through its Graduate Development Program (GDP), and as part of their GDP assessment, were tasked to identify gaps within the company and conduct case studies on them.
In what was described as ‘profound and enlightening’, the graduates stunned their mentors and management during their presentations, by pointing out areas for improvement within the existing systems and suggesting solutions to PNG Ports.
Chief Executive Officer of PNG Ports, Neil Papenfus, was satisfied with the amount of data, analysis, and solutions presented to management by the graduates, saying these graduates were the future of PNG Ports.
“The presentations show the caliber of each graduate and the capability they are bringing into PNG Ports,” he said.
“Every organization needs fresh ideas and innovative minds who are keen to make a difference and witnessing the quality of each case study, shows that we have a very capable, young team of professionals.”
Mr Papenfus assured the graduates that their case studies and solutions would be followed through to fruition.
The case studies were on various topics including An Analysis of Time Theft; Challenges of Port billing and invoicing; Pilotage Service at Lae Port; Job Motivation & Reward; Port Infrastructure Maintenance; Climate Change; and Cyber Security.
The PNG Ports GDP is run for 18 months and offers high performing graduates the opportunity to join one of the nation’s leading enterprises.
This intake will graduate this month (August) and will be given the opportunities to start their career with PNG Ports.