PNG Ports donates to POMGEN

A little kindness goes a long way, and today we delivered 75 goody bags for children and their parents admitted to the Pediatric (Children’s)

Ward at the Port Moresby General Hospital.

The bags contained towels, soap and hygiene products, scented candles, board games, toys and candy, plus shopping vouchers, among other items worth over K20, 000.

General Manager for Governance & Risk (Audit), Clemn Kafare, made the donation, on behalf of PNG Ports, to the Hospital’s Acting Director - Medical Services and Pediatrics’ Coordinator, Dr Gwenda Anga.

“In these tough economic times, PNG Ports hopes to put a smile on the faces of the little ones and their guardians,” said Mr Kafare.

“No parent or guardian ever wants to see their child endure pain and illness. Our heart goes out to them, may they recover, and may the work of the hospital staff at the children’s ward be blessed.”

PNG Ports has donated to the hospital over the years as a responsible corporate citizen.

The recent one was in May last year where K10, 000 worth of mattresses, pillows, diapers, blankets and washing detergents were donated to support 'patient care' in the Maternity Wing and Emergency Department admission wards