PNG Ports appoints new CEO

Neil Papenfus has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of PNG Ports Corporation Limited (PNG Ports).

The appointment, made by the National Executive Council (NEC) after a rigorous selection process, is effective from 20 March, 2024 for a period of three years. 

Mr Papenfus took office last week after signing his contract as CEO of the top-performing State Owned Enterprise. He succeeds the late CEO, Fego Kiniafa, who passed away in September, 2022. 

Chief Commercial Officer, Ian Hayden-Smart, oversaw the role in an interim capacity as Officer in Charge, while a suitable candidate was sought. 

No stranger to PNG Ports, Mr Papenfus has been in the port and shipping industry over the past 24 years, 17 of these in PNG. 

He last served as the General Manager of Pacific Towing Marine Services for 10 years. 

Harvey Nii, the Chairman of the PNG Ports Board, welcomed Mr Papenfus saying the appointment is a start of a new era and looks forward to working with the new CEO. 

Mr Nii also thanked the NEC, Government and the Minister for State Enterprises for the appointment, assuring them that PNG Ports would continue to make profit and deliver attractive returns for the country. 

“The appointment is timely, and with the added industry experience brought by the CEO, we look towards delivering key infrastructure projects that are set to improve efficiencies at our ports,” Mr Nii said. 

“I would like to assure the CEO that he is backed with the support of an experienced, capable and professional Leadership Team and staff at PNG Ports and it is the hope of the Board that together we will continue to elevate the performance of PNG Ports to greater heights.” 

“The focus now is on delivering the 30 Year Port Infrastructure Master Plan and the Australian-government funded projects to have fit-for-purpose facilities to meet the demands in maritime trade,” he said.