The Graduate Development Program (GDP) is part of the workforce planning interventions through the Human Capital Department to: Recruit, develop, and maintain a highly competitive workforce to provide the edge it requires to be an efficient and profitable company.

PNG Ports is committed to developing young graduates whose ideas, ambitions, and leadership potentials will help shape the future of PNG Ports. This program is essential for the growth, success, and sustainability of the company, by resolving current and future labour market shortages, and address potential workforce shortages as a result of an aging workforce.

The graduate development program usually runs for a length of 18 months and/or as determined by the Human Capital Department and the complexity of the discipline.

All Graduates engaged under the GDP will undergo a process of a formal induction, formal training, rotations and finally job placements.

PNG Ports commitment is to:

  1. Building its human resource capacity to keep pace with social, economic, and technological changes.

  2. Provide employment opportunity to fresh graduates

  3. Help student develop professionally in their respective careers.

  4. Contribute to human resource development in PNG

  5. Eligibility Criteria

Graduates eligible to participate under the GDP must:

  1. Be between the ages of 18 and 25 years,

  2. Be citizens of PNG,

  3. Have completed a degree program within the last two years or who are eligible to graduate at a recognized university within PNG or overseas,

  4. Be existing employees who have completed a degree program within the last two years or who are eligible to graduate at a university within PNG or overseas,

  5. Have excellent academic results,

  6. Have not been convicted of any summary or criminal offence,

  7. Have clean disciplinary records,

  8. Have good character reference.

The 18 months program encompasses training and skills development, mentorship by successful national and expatriate professionals and possible permanent employment with attractive remuneration and benefits.

At this stage, PNG Ports is NOT running the GDP program, nor is the company accepting applications for the program.


Merry Christmas
and Prosperous 2025

Our Head Office
will be closed for business on the following
public holidays:

Wednesday 25th,
Thursday 26th December 2024
& Wednesday 01st of January 2025.