PNG Ports serves the nation’s needs for the transportation of goods and people and acts as Papua New Guinea’s gateway to the world as the primary national port facilities provider. We a State Owned Entity (SOE) whose ownership is vested in trust with the Kumul Consolidated Holdings (KCH) on behalf of the Government of PNG. It is one of the oldest state owned entities in Papua New Guinea. It is the sole authority over all declared ports in the country and manages 15 of the 23 declared ports in PNG.

They are Lae, Motukea (Port Moresby), Kimbe, Madang, Alotau, Rabaul, Kavieng, Oro Bay, Kieta, Buka, Vanimo, Lorengau, Wewak, Daru and Aitape. Traditionally the core business of PNG Ports was to act as a land lord authority where berthing, pilotage and wharfage services are provided for shipping companies and storage provided for container and generalized cargo transiting through its ports. These ports handle in excess of over 9.8 million tonnes of cargo annually.

PNG Ports is vested with a delegated authority by the Department of Transport (DoT) to provide harbour management and maritime compliance responsibilities at all land/water interfaces (wharves and jetties) declared and non-declared ports and harbours throughout the country. Our essential port services are regulated by Independent Consumer and Competitions Commission (ICCC) under a regulatory contract that is currently in force until the end of 2024. The regulatory contract specifies a price path for the charging of prices for all essential port services (i.e. Berthage, Berth Reservation and Wharfage).

The Company is managed by a Board of Directors whose members are appointed by the National Executive Council (NEC) on recommendation from KCH. The Board of Directors then appoints the Chief Executive Officer.

The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the overall management of the company and is supported by an Executive Leadership Team who work in unison with 475 staff across the network. With the future in mind, we developed a 30 year Infrastructure Master Plan for use as a blueprint for improvements to our Port Infrastructure, that will allow and facilitate increased trade throughout the country.The Master Plan was launched in June 2021 consistent with the SOE Reform Program driven by KCH.

The Master Plan was developed after undertaking detailed engineering, commercial and financial due diligence on the condition and market circumstances of all the ports, the prospects for future growth and what level of investment would be required to ensure that our wharves remain safe and functional, to meet demand for ports and shipping services presently and well into the future.

Investing in our people, our port infrastructure and security of our Ports has always and will continue to be high priority for PNG Ports. We have seen upgrades to our security infrastructure and equipment around our ports to meet the International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) standards. The PNG Ports Maritime Pilotage fleet has increased with an investment in seven (7) new state of the art pilot boats. This allow for us to be on par with global industrial standards and allows PNGPCL to meet the growing demand for marine pilotage services in the country.

We envisage that our Investments under the guidance of the 30 year, Ports Infrastructure Master Plan and with guidance from the Government and the assistance from International partners, will facilitate increased trade and economic growth for the country going forward.

We are Papua New Guinea’s gateway for growth and prosperity.

Merry Christmas
and Prosperous 2025

Our Head Office
will be closed for business on the following
public holidays:

Wednesday 25th,
Thursday 26th December 2024
& Wednesday 01st of January 2025.